3 Ways - How Magento 2 Checkout Prevent Empty Shopping Carts?
Whether you are a novice or an expert, you likely put a lot of effort to increasing sales of your eCommerce. You create and plan to sell a product, or products, which you find is a need. Then, you design a Magento ecommerce website with the captivating look and feel to display the products on the cyberspace. You conduct campaigns and promotions to boost sales and further invest in social media and email marketing to drive more traffic.
Still, for sales you lag behind as they are slow. Your website traffic might be high, but without purchasing anything too many customers drop. Though it is an obstacle, it might be related to the checkout process. This problem pertains how an ecommerce leads the visitors through the checkout procedure. A pleasant checkout experience is straightforward and instant, at the same time safe and secure.
The sole solution to this problem for growing sales is creating a checkout process which works comfortably for the customer, making it simpler for him to finish the purchase. Even any effective marketing cannot compensate for a bad and complicated checkout experience.
Luckily, for stores powered on Magento 2, owners don’t have to create the perfect checkout process. While designing, Magento considered the need of improved cart system which it provides as an excellent feature in Magento version 2.0.
How Magento 2 simplifies the Checkout Experience?
In 5 productive ways, Magento 2 makes the Checkout process great and simplified.
· Fewer Steps in the Checkout Process
As compared, the checkout process in the Magento 2 is much quicker than in Magento 1. Earlier checkout used to finish in 6 steps with Magento 1. Now it is simply in two phases.
Lowering the number of steps accelerates the checkout process, making it less possible for a customer to drop. It also overcomes the client's disappointment as now people don’t have to complete out so many forms in between.
This reduction in steps also acts as a bonus for customers accessing the site through mobile as inserting data into various fields is more tiresome on a small limited screen.
· Hassle-Free Checkout
When customers start the checkout on the Magento 2, nothing much distracts them on the page. Only the company logo, the shipping, and payment tabs are present on the Checkout page. The intention of designing the Magento 2 checkout page is pretty simple. There are fewer things to deflect and confuse customers. The concept is simple behind creating a fabulous checkout process.
· Automatic checkout for guest
When shoppers enter the checkout page on Magento 2, they are directed to a guest checkout page. In the first step, they need to insert an email address. If it matches with an existing account, the shipping, and the billing information is automatically fetched.
This feature eliminates the previous process of choosing between checking out as a populated or as a guest. Further, it drops a step in the experience, making checkout swifter.
Plenty of reasons answers why customers drop carts, some of them can be succeeded by concentrating on building a better checkout process. The new Magento 2 platform overcomes some of those problems. With Magento 2, the checkout process is swifter and less complicated. Customers can quickly pass from cart to executed order in a shorter time.
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